About Us
Photo Credit: Larry C. Morris/The New York Times/Redux

About Us
Stonewall 50 Consortium
The Stonewall 50 Consortium was founded by journalist and podcaster Eric Marcus in September 2016. Initially he sought to bring together cultural and educational nonprofits that were developing plans to mark the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall uprising in 2019. By the time of the anniversary—and with the support of funding from the New York Community Trust—the Consortium’s membership had grown from a dozen nonprofit institutions and organizations to more than two hundred.
Following the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall uprising, the Stonewall 50 Consortium continued to serve as a supportive space for nonprofits committed to producing programs, exhibitions, and educational materials related to LGBTQ history and culture by helping members share ideas and best practices, effect potential collaborations, and coordinate outreach efforts.
In 2022, the Stonewall 50 Consortium became a program of the American LGBTQ+ Museum.